• Common Types of Personal Injury Cases


    personal injury lawyer in baltimore

    Someone may meet with a personal injury attorney serving Baltimore following a variety of situations, including car accidents, medical malpractice, and slip and fall cases. A personal injury attorney helps clients when someone else’s negligent or intentional act causes harm. However, it’s important to remember that not every situation in which someone suffers an injury leads to liability.

    Car accident cases are some of the most common personal injury claims in the United States. A car accident lawyer represents injured victims when other drivers weren’t following the rules of the road or driving as carefully as they should have been. An accident attorney helps hold negligent drivers financially responsible for injuries stemming from the car accident. However, exceptions exist in no-fault states, which require drivers to collect from their own insurance companies, unless the injury is serious. A personal injury law firm also represents those injured in slip and fall cases. Property owners are legally obligated to keep their properties safe and hazard-free. Though landowner duties may vary by state, landowners who fail to keep their properties safe may be held legally responsible for related injuries.


  • Getting Help After a Car Accident


    If you are involved in a car accident that results in injuries, you will most likely need to consult with a personal injury lawyer near Baltimore . Whether you caused the accident or you were the auto accident victim, you will likely be dealing with attorneys. If you caused the accident, then your car insurance company will help guide your legal defense.

    As this video explains, you should immediately consult with a personal injury attorney if you sustained injuries in the accident and were not at fault. Depending on your case, your personal injury law firm may accept you as a client on a contingency basis. If so, you won’t have to pay for your personal injury attorney’s representation until you obtain a settlement or verdict in your favor. Usually, your personal injury lawyer will expect at least 30% of the settlement as compensation.


  • Fight for Justice for Your Personal Injury

    personal injury attorney

    Meeting with a personal injury attorney serving Baltimore is the best way to determine whether or not you have a personal injury claim. If you do have grounds to file a claim, your personal injury attorney can also help you determine what kind of monetary compensation you can collect. When you start looking for a personal injury lawyer to work with, make sure your attorney wants to work together with you to ensure you obtain the compensation you deserve.

    Whether you have suffered an on-the-job injury or an auto accident injury, Jack J. Schmerling Attorney at Law can help. Our personal injury law firm can help if you have suffered broken bones, strained muscles, loss of limb, scars, or disfigurement. Your attorney can help you through the legal process by handling all of your claims, paperwork, and negotiations with the insurance company. Though it may be scary to take the next step, remember that your attorney is there to help you and ensure you receive justice. A personal injury attorney also understands that your injury is worth the work to get the compensation you need to heal.

  • How to Avoid a Rear End Collision

    Injuries caused by rear end collisions can lead to significant medical bills, both for the driver at fault and the individual whose car was struck. Although a car accident attorney located in Anne Arundel can help you obtain compensation for these losses, it’s definitely a good idea to reduce your risk of a collision altogether. If you’re being followed too closely, an attorney at law would likely recommend changing lanes, if possible, or pulling over to allow the aggressive driver to pass.

    For more tips on rear end collisions, watch this video or consult a car accident attorney. This video explains a study that demonstrates that drivers tend to ignore how closely they are following the vehicles in front of them. They also tend to follow at the same distance regardless of speed. However, it’s critical to leave at least one car length of space for every 10 miles per hour. If you’re involved in a rear end collision despite using these safety tips, contact a car accident attorney for help.

  • What To Do If You’re Injured At Work [INFOGRAPHIC]

    Your job is your livelihood, and you work hard to support yourself and your family. If you are injured in the workplace, it could affect your ability to perform your job normally. A worker’s compensation attorney near Baltimore can help you get the support you deserve for an injury sustained at work. When an injury at work happens, it is essential that you report it right away. Detail how and where the accident happened, along with the nature and location of your injuries. Be specific and be timely, as a delay could hurt your worker’s compensation case. Seek medical attention even if you think you aren’t seriously hurt, as you could have internal injuries that aren’t immediately apparent. Take a look at this infographic to learn more about what to do if you’re injured in the workplace. Please share with your friends and colleagues.


  • A Look at Personal Injury Cases

    Personal injury law is designed to protect a victim who has been injured because of someone else’s negligence, failure to act, or intentional wrongdoing. If you suffer an injury, you can file a claim with the help of a personal injury attorney serving Anne Arundel County and seek compensation from the person responsible for your losses.

    Personal injury attorney serving Baltimore

    For a personal injury claim to be successful, liability and damages must be established. In other words, you must prove that the other party was directly responsible for the damages you sustained, and the nature and extent of any damages must also be proven. Most personal injury cases arise from auto accidents caused by negligent drivers. Broken bones, strained muscles, loss of limb, scars, and disfigurement are commonly sustained in car accidents. Serious injuries may result in lost work days and temporary or permanent disability. An accident attorney will negotiate with the defendant’s insurance company so that you receive fair compensation to cover medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering. 

    Maryland limits the amount of time in which you have to file a personal injury claim following an incident, so it’s important to contact a personal injury lawyer right away.


  • Signs of an Ankle Sprain

    Sprains, strains, and tears make up the leading nature of workplace injuries, and the back, shoulders, knees, and ankles are most frequently affected by these injuries, according to 2012 reports from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Since these types of workplace injuries are so common, it’s important for you to know how to identify them and when you might need the help of a workers’ compensation attorney near Baltimore .

    As this video explains, swelling and discoloration of the ankle are symptoms of a sprain. If the ankle or foot is deformed or out of alignment, the injury is likely a break. Though ankle sprains are generally more painful than actual breaks, the injured person should be able to move his or her foot and put slight pressure on it. Many ankle sprains heal without major treatment, but if you suffered a sprain while on the job, it’s imperative that you go to a doctor for evaluation. You should also report the incident to your employer as soon as possible.

    If you were injured while performing your job duties and your employer is refusing to offer the compensation you deserve, hire a workers’ compensation lawyer to assist with your claim.

  • A Look at Common Car Accident Injuries

    Auto Accident Injury in Baltimore, MD Millions of car accidents occur each year. Even a minor fender bender can lead to serious health issues. If you or a loved one has sustained injuries because of a crash, consider working with an accident attorney in Baltimore. By consulting a car accident law firm , you can explore your legal options for obtaining compensation for your medical bills and related expenses. Your accident attorney has likely represented other clients who have sustained similar injuries, including the following medical conditions.

    Neck Injuries

    Neck injuries are among the most common types of health problems sustained by car accident victims. Whiplash is a type of soft tissue injury that affects the delicate structures of the neck. It often occurs in rear-end collisions, when the head is suddenly forced in one direction, and then the opposite direction. The symptoms of whiplash can include neck stiffness, soreness, and pain, along with reduced range of motion and impaired flexibility. If left untreated, it is possible to suffer from chronic pain due to whiplash. The potential for a chronic medical condition highlights the importance of consulting an accident attorney right away. Other neck injuries may be even more serious, including cervical radiculopathy.

    Back Injuries

    Many people consult an accident attorney in Burnie because of back injuries sustained in a car wreck. Back injuries may involve soft tissue injuries, such as strains and sprains that cause pain and hamper mobility. Or, a back condition might involve damage to the intervertebral discs, which may sometimes require surgery. Other common types of back injuries include fractures of the vertebrae and lumbar radiculopathy. Very serious back injuries that affect the nerves of the spinal cord can lead to permanent paralysis.

    Psychological Injuries

    One type of frequently overlooked medical issue stemming from car accidents involves mental health. Your accident attorney may demand compensation for your psychological problems, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), emotional distress, and anxiety related to your injuries. If a loved one died as a result of a car accident, you could also demand compensation for this loss.

  • Traumatic Brain Injury Symptoms to Look for After an Accident

    Accident Attorney Baltimore A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a serious medical condition that is often inflicted on victims of car accidents. Minor head injuries may involve temporary, albeit disruptive symptoms, while severe TBIs can cause complications that last a lifetime. Medical bills can quickly pile up for car crash victims, which is why it’s so important to contact an accident attorney right away. An accident attorney in Baltimore can investigate your case to determine if you could be eligible to file a personal injury lawsuit and demand compensation for your injuries.

    Physical Symptoms

    It’s important to tell your accident lawyer about all of the symptoms you experience. Since some of the symptoms may not arise immediately, stay in close contact with the personal injury law firm. If you have suffered a minor TBI, you may experience physical symptoms such as brief loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, and headache. In the following days, you might notice that you’re having trouble sleeping, that you’re unusually fatigued, or that you’re experiencing dizziness. A moderate to severe TBI can result in physical symptoms such as seizures, loss of consciousness, headache, weakness or numbness of the digits, and loss of coordination. You might also have clear fluid that drains from the ears or nose.

    Cognitive and Sensory Symptoms

    A TBI often results in cognitive challenges , which may require intensive therapy. Your accident attorney in Burnie can help you demand compensation for these medical expenses. For a mild TBI, these cognitive symptoms might include memory problems, mood swings, and depression. Those who suffer a severe TBI can experience slurred speech, aggressive or violent behavior, and severe confusion.

    Childhood Symptoms

    A traumatic brain injury may sometimes be difficult to detect in infants and young children because they are often incapable of informing caregivers of their symptoms. If your infant or young child was involved in the car crash, be alert to symptoms such as persistent crying, unusual irritability, and withdrawal from favorite toys. Children may also have changes in sleeping patterns and eating habits.