The Role of a Doctor in Workers’ Compensation Cases

Worker's Compensation Claims in Baltimore, MD

Workers’ compensation claims in Baltimore are notoriously difficult for employees to sort through. After sustaining an injury or illness while on the job, it’s highly recommended that you enlist the help of a workers’ compensation lawyer. Your lawyer can offer legal guidance and answer your questions about your medical benefits and wage compensation. When you go to appointments with your workers’ compensation lawyer , be sure to bring along any new written instructions from your doctor.

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Documenting Your Injury

Ideally, injured workers should seek medical care as soon as possible after the injury occurs. One of the primary ways that a doctor can facilitate a workers’ compensation claim is by documenting the injury in the patient’s medical records. Be as specific as possible during your appointment with the doctor. Explain all of the symptoms you have experienced and the level of pain you have. Explain when your symptoms first occurred and whether they have grown worse. You should also give your doctor details about the incident. For example, you may have broken a hand while falling in the office. You might explain that you slipped on a spilled liquid in the office, lost your balance, and fell on your hand.

Determining the Cause of the Injury

As your workers’ compensation lawyer can explain, your benefits are contingent upon the determination that your injury or illness did indeed arise from the course of your employment. If the case involves an acute injury, the cause is usually clear-cut. However, some work-related health problems that may have less clear causes include repetitive strain injuries and illnesses. In these cases, it’s particularly important to give your doctor as much information as you can regarding how your work activities caused the health problem. For repetitive strain injuries, you can describe all of the movements you are required to perform that cause your pain. For illnesses, you should share information about any toxic substances you may be exposed to at work.

Clearing You for Work

Your doctor will determine when you are medically cleared to return to work. It’s important to keep all follow-up appointments with your doctor. Let your doctor know if your pain or other symptoms have persisted or perhaps worsened. Ask your doctor if you might require any work modifications when you return to your job.