Do’s and Don’ts to Know After a Drunk Driving Arrest
Being arrested for a DUI can have serious repercussions, but the steps you take in the immediate aftermath of your arrest can have important implications for your case. The first step is to call an attorney in Baltimore with experience in DUI cases. If you find yourself facing a DUI arrest, these do’s and don’ts will help you protect your rights and mitigate the fallout.
Don’t Discuss Your Case
After an arrest, most people know that they shouldn’t discuss their case with the police without an attorney present. What many people don’t realize is that you shouldn’t discuss your case with anyone except your lawyer until it has been settled. Giving details about the circumstance of your arrest and your actions leading up to it could end up being harmful to your case if you say something incriminating that is repeated to prosecutors or the police. Keep all of the details of your case between you and your attorney until it has concluded.
Do Work Closely with Your Attorney
You and your attorney will need to work hand-in-hand on preparing your defense. In the aftermath of your arrest, it can be helpful to write down everything you can remember about your arrest, including details about your interactions with the arresting officers, what kind of instructions they gave you, and how your sobriety test was conducted. This information will help your attorney determine if your arrest was legal and if your rights were violated in any way. Throughout your case preparation, provide your attorney with any information that is requested as quickly as possible, and attend all meetings and court dates.
Don’t Drive on a Suspended License
If your license is suspended after your DUI, do not drive. If you are caught, the consequences can be severe and may include significant fines, additional license suspension time, and incarceration. Your attorney can help you negotiate with the court to get permission to drive for necessary trips, such as to work or to pick up your children from school.
Basic Qualifications for Social Security Disability
If you are physically or mentally disabled, you may be able to qualify for Social Security benefits . Consider speaking to an attorney in Baltimore about your eligibility. Your attorney will need to know about your medical conditions and employment history. You may still qualify for benefits if you are currently working as long as your monthly income does not exceed a certain threshold.
As you’ll learn by watching this video, other criteria for Social Security benefits include having a disabling condition that is expected to either end in death or last for at least 12 consecutive months. You must be unable to perform work that you previously did and be unable to adjust to other types of work.
A Quick Look at Vocational Rehab
When you consult a workers’ compensation lawyer in Baltimore, you may hear the term “vocational rehabilitation.” Vocational rehab may be available as part of your workers’ comp benefits. Its purpose is to provide you with the services you need to re-enter the workforce. If you aren’t sure whether you qualify for vocational rehab or if you have a disagreement about the services being provided, your workers’ compensation attorney can assist you.
Vocational rehab is available to injured employees who are unable to return to their previous work because of a qualifying workplace injury. Even when a person can no longer perform his or her previous work, he or she may be re-trained to fulfill another position. If you cannot return to work in any capacity, you may be a candidate for Social Security disability benefits instead of vocational rehab services. Before receiving vocational rehab services, the workers’ comp insurance carrier must agree that you are qualified to receive them. If your workers’ comp refuses vocational rehab services, talk to your lawyer. He or she may request a hearing to appeal this decision.
The services you can receive are dependent upon your specific needs. Generally, vocational rehabilitation can include aptitude or skills testing, vocational counseling, job training, and job placement services. You might also receive on-the-job training when you begin your new job.
In Maryland, injured workers can turn to either a public or private rehabilitation counselor. Public counselors work through the Maryland Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS). When you’re assigned a rehabilitation counselor, you must advise him or her of your workers’ comp claim.
Your vocational rehabilitation will begin with an in-depth interview with your assigned counselor. You can expect to answer plenty of questions about your background, including your education, certifications, professional licenses, and other credentials. You’ll also answer questions about your employment history, and any of your personal interests or hobbies that may influence the course of your future career. The counselor will consider your physical limitations or other aspects of your disability. Based on this information, your counselor will develop a personalized rehabilitation plan that includes actionable, specific goals. If you do not agree that the plan and its goals are appropriate for you, the plan will be submitted to a commissioner.
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