• Spotlight on Occupational Diseases

    Workers’ compensation cases aren’t always about injuries. Illnesses that occurred in the workplace may also be covered. If you believe you are the victim of an occupational disease, then contact an attorney to see if you should file a workers’ compensation lawsuit in Baltimore .

    An occupational disease is a chronic condition that was caused by activities done at work. Some of the diseases that could be occupational in nature include cancer, respiratory issues, hearing loss, and skin diseases. In some instances, depression and anxiety can also fall into this category. If you have such an illness, an attorney can help you determine if your employer could be held responsible and if you should file a workers’ compensation claim. The amount of money to which are entitled depends on a number of different factors, including how your illness impacts your ability to do your job now and in the future and the cost of your medical bills. Your attorney can guide you through the process as well as any necessary workers’ comp appeals that follow your initial claim.

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  • Permanent Disability After an Auto Accident: What Are Your Rights?

    Car accident injuries vary widely in their severity. In some cases, survivors are expected to suffer from permanent disabilities. If you’ve sustained severe injuries in a car accident in Baltimore, it’s time to contact an injury lawyer. Your attorney will need access to your medical records and related documents. Then, your injury lawyer will explain your legal rights and discuss your options for securing compensation for your permanent disability.

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    Filing a Car Accident Lawsuit

    After a car accident, it’s common for survivors to secure compensation by filing a claim against the other driver’s insurance carrier. In the case of catastrophic injuries that lead to permanent disabilities, the settlement offered by the insurance company may not be enough to fully compensate you for your current and future medical expenses, lost wages and loss of earning capacity, and other losses. Instead, your injury lawyer may recommend filing a car accident lawsuit. Your lawyer might ask that an independent evaluator calculate the total damages, based on your work and earnings history, your anticipated future medical needs, and similar factors. A successful jury award or out-of-court settlement can give you the money you need to support your family and provide for your medical needs despite your inability to work.

    Filing a Social Security Claim

    In addition to filing a car accident lawsuit, you may be eligible to pursue Social Security disability benefits . Since these claims are often initially denied, it’s a good idea to let your injury lawyer handle your Social Security case right from the start. First, your lawyer will consider whether you meet the definition of disability under the Social Security eligibility rules. You can only recover disability benefits if you have a total inability to work and your condition is expected to last for at least one year or to result in death. If you meet this eligibility requirement, then your lawyer will consider whether your disability is on the list of disabling conditions and whether your disability interferes with basic work-related activities. These are all factors that will be considered when your disability claim is reviewed. Even if your claim is initially denied, you do have the right to file an appeal.

  • Common Leg Injuries Caused by Auto Accidents

    In the aftermath of a crash, it’s important to carefully document your injuries and provide this information to an injury lawyer in Baltimore. All types of car accident injuries can occur during both low-and high-speed crashes. Leg injuries are particularly common, since the legs can strike against the interior of the car or be struck by flying objects. Car accident injuries can include knee damage such as knee joint dislocation, bone fractures, and tendon ruptures. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) may both become hyperextended and torn. Knee injuries can require weeks of recovery time and sometimes reconstructive surgery is required.

    Other types of car accident injuries can include fractures. When the leg strikes the steering wheel or instrument panel, the large bone in the thigh called the femur may fracture. If not treated surgically, femur fractures may sometimes lead to long-term mobility problems. Other injuries can involve the feet and ankles, which may become broken or sprained.

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  • What Is the Right Way to Wear a Seatbelt When Pregnant?

    Any sort of car accident can result in physical injuries and emotional trauma. However, car accidents that occur while a driver or passenger is pregnant can be particularly traumatic. To protect yourself from car accident injuries while driving in Baltimore, always wear a seatbelt properly.

    You can learn the right way to wear a seatbelt when you’re pregnant by watching this video. This healthcare professional explains that the lap belt should only be positioned across your lap and beneath your belly to prevent car accident injuries to the fetus. During the winter months, it may be necessary to remove your bulky winter coat to ensure the proper positioning of the seatbelt.

  • The Role of a Doctor in Workers’ Compensation Cases

    Workers’ compensation claims in Baltimore are notoriously difficult for employees to sort through. After sustaining an injury or illness while on the job, it’s highly recommended that you enlist the help of a workers’ compensation lawyer. Your lawyer can offer legal guidance and answer your questions about your medical benefits and wage compensation. When you go to appointments with your workers’ compensation lawyer , be sure to bring along any new written instructions from your doctor.

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    Documenting Your Injury

    Ideally, injured workers should seek medical care as soon as possible after the injury occurs. One of the primary ways that a doctor can facilitate a workers’ compensation claim is by documenting the injury in the patient’s medical records. Be as specific as possible during your appointment with the doctor. Explain all of the symptoms you have experienced and the level of pain you have. Explain when your symptoms first occurred and whether they have grown worse. You should also give your doctor details about the incident. For example, you may have broken a hand while falling in the office. You might explain that you slipped on a spilled liquid in the office, lost your balance, and fell on your hand.

    Determining the Cause of the Injury

    As your workers’ compensation lawyer can explain, your benefits are contingent upon the determination that your injury or illness did indeed arise from the course of your employment. If the case involves an acute injury, the cause is usually clear-cut. However, some work-related health problems that may have less clear causes include repetitive strain injuries and illnesses. In these cases, it’s particularly important to give your doctor as much information as you can regarding how your work activities caused the health problem. For repetitive strain injuries, you can describe all of the movements you are required to perform that cause your pain. For illnesses, you should share information about any toxic substances you may be exposed to at work.

    Clearing You for Work

    Your doctor will determine when you are medically cleared to return to work. It’s important to keep all follow-up appointments with your doctor. Let your doctor know if your pain or other symptoms have persisted or perhaps worsened. Ask your doctor if you might require any work modifications when you return to your job.

  • Coping with Facial Injuries After a Car Crash

    A lot of attention gets paid to common car accident injuries like whiplash and back pain, but facial injuries are also extremely common and may cause longer-term problems. A facial injury suffered in a car accident can be permanently disfiguring and cause vast changes in the well-being of the victim. Whenever you are injured in a car crash, contact an accident attorney in Baltimore for help. You could be entitled to compensation for your medical costs and the pain and suffering caused by a facial injury. Here is what you need to know.

    Facial Injuries after an accident in Glen Burnie, MD

    Common Facial Injuries

    A number of different types of facial injuries are common during car accidents. These include bone fractures, burns, eye injuries, and soft tissue injuries, including lacerations. They can occur in any kind of accident and usually happen as the result of shattered glass and other flying debris, contact with a hard surface in the card, or contact with an ejected airbag. Facial injuries may also occur if you are thrown from the vehicle during the impact. These injuries are frequently very complex and require extensive treatment to heal.

    Compensation for Facial Injuries

    The type of compensation you can receive for facial injuries depends very much on the type of injury you experienced. Generally, you may be eligible to have all of your medical costs covered, including your initial treatment and subsequent surgeries or other treatments you will need in the future. If treatment prevents you from working, you may be able to receive damages for your lost wages. If you experienced significant pain from your injury, or if you have been permanently disfigured, your accident attorney may pursue punitive damages as compensation for the physical and emotional anguish you have experienced.

    Filing a Claim

    Contact a car accident lawyer as soon as possible after your crash to explore your options for a case. Your lawyer will consider the details of your accident and determine which type of compensation to pursue. Before and after you file a claim, avoid talking to any insurance companies or discussing the accident, which could compromise your case.

  • Hiring an Attorney for Your Personal Injury Case

    For injured residents of Baltimore, a personal injury law firm serves as an invaluable resource. The personal injury attorney you hire will have in-depth knowledge of the local court system and how to address the judge or jury. Your accident attorney will ensure that you are fully informed of your legal rights and that you understand the options available to you. By hiring an attorney at law to serve as your legal advocate for the personal injury case , you can navigate the court system with confidence.

    For more on hiring an accident lawyer, watch this brief video. You’ll hear about some of the different types of lawyers you may encounter and why it’s important to choose the right type of lawyer for your case. This expert also explains the role of a personal injury lawyer in handling your case.

  • Raising Awareness About Repetitive Use Injuries at Work

    Many people only pursue a temporary or permanent disability claim for acute injuries. However, you can also visit a workers’ compensation law firm serving Baltimore to meet with an accident attorney about repetitive strain injuries. Any type of job and occupational industry has the potential to lead to repetitive use injuries. Since these injuries can grow progressively worse if left untreated, it’s advisable to consult a workers’ compensation attorney right away.

    Watch this video for a brief introduction to repetitive use injuries in the workplace. You’ll hear some startling statistics about occupational injuries and you’ll learn about the areas of the body that are most often affected by them. This video also explains the types of repetitive movements that are likely to lead to injuries.

  • What You Need to Know About the Maryland’s Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury Cases

    You may have heard that in criminal law, there are time periods within which a prosecutor might bring charges against a defendant for any particular crime. These time periods are known as statutes of limitations. The same principle applies to personal injury cases. Since there is a deadline to file a personal injury claim, it’s best to go to a personal injury law firm located in Baltimore as soon as possible after the incident occurred. Doing so will preserve your legal right to have a personal injury attorney help you seek justice.

    Personal injury claim

    Defining the Statute of Limitations

    In many states, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases is set at two years. However, Maryland allows most civil tort cases to be filed no later than three years from the start of the time period. In some cases, the deadline is shortened to one year. This applies to allegations of intentional personal injury, such as assault, rather than damages caused by negligence. If you do not act within this time period, you may forfeit your right to have a personal injury attorney file a claim on your behalf.

    Establishing the Start of the Time Period

    One step your personal injury lawyer will take is to determine when the statute of limitations for your case should have begun. In most cases, the statute of limitations logically begins from the date of the incident. For example, if you were struck by a car on January 1, 2016, the statute of limitations would begin on that date and run for three years before expiring. However, plaintiffs in personal injury cases do not always identify their losses on the same day during which they occurred. For instance, you may have slipped and fallen on someone else’s property. You may have thought you were fine initially, but then later you developed symptoms of a concussion. It is possible that the statute of limitations would begin on the date that you could reasonably expect to know that your symptoms were caused by the incident. However, it’s always best to consult an attorney at law sooner, rather than later, given that personal injury cases can take time to build.

  • Don’t Ignore These Concussion Symptoms After a Car Accident

    After a car accident, you may decide to speak with an attorney at law at a personal injury law firm located in Baltimore. The car accident attorney will need to know about all of the injuries you sustained in the crash . Head trauma is particularly common among car accident victims. A concussion can be indicated by blurry vision, dizziness, vomiting, and headaches. Additionally, concussions may cause loss of consciousness, memory loss, and impaired concentration.

    You can hear more about these and other symptoms when you watch this video. This video urges viewers to seek medical attention promptly upon noticing any of the signs of a concussion. It also warns patients against taking over-the-counter pain relievers if a concussion may have occurred, since these may increase the risk of bleeding. While you recover from a concussion, your accident attorney may advise you to keep track of your lost wages. In addition to helping you recover compensation for your medical bills, the accident lawyer can help you seek compensation for lost work days.