• The Recovery Process for Brain Injuries

    A car accident in the Baltimore area can leave survivors with serious injuries such as traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), also known as concussions. If you sustained a concussion in a car accident, the most important step to take is to get plenty of physical and cognitive rest. There is no way to speed up the recovery process for this particular type of car accident injury . Healing takes time, especially for moderate to severe concussions, and trying to rush your recovery will only worsen your health.

    Watch this video and consult your physician for more tips on recovering from this serious car accident injury. This expert explains that it’s important to refrain from stimulating activities, which include reading, texting, watching TV, and doing any other activities that involve screen time. She also explains what patients should do in the event they do return to activity too quickly.

  • Can You Sue Your Employer Over a Workplace Injury?

    In most cases, workers’ compensation law in Baltimore prevents employees from suing their employers because of a workplace injury. Workers’ compensation is designed to provide a no-fault way for employees to receive medical treatment and a percentage of their lost wages. However, workers’ compensation benefits do not extend to all workplace injuries and in some cases, it may be possible to have a workers’ comp lawyer file a lawsuit against the employer .

    For example, an injured worker may sue the employer if the employer was legally required to carry workers’ comp insurance and failed to do so. Depending on the circumstances, it may be possible to bring a lawsuit against an employer who allegedly engaged in intentional or egregious conduct that resulted in the workplace injury. In other cases, a lawsuit may be filed against a third party. For example, a workplace injury might be caused by an outside vendor. If the injury is caused by a defective product, the product’s manufacturer might be named as a defendant in a product liability lawsuit.

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  • Talking to Your Teen About Safe Driving

    The possibility of a car accident is one of the most common fears that parents of teens have when their kids begin learning how to drive. Watch this video to get some tips on how to keep your teen safe from car accident injuries and from the possibility of being named as the defendant in an accident injury lawsuit filed in Baltimore.

    This interview with a car accident expert explains that studies show that parents generally do well when teaching their teens how to accelerate, park, and otherwise maneuver the car. However, parents also need to teach teens how to scan the road for potential hazards, judge the distance and speed of oncoming traffic, and drive in adverse conditions like bad weather and traffic jams.

  • How Are Damages Determined in an Auto Accident Injury Case?

    Compensatory damages comprise the monetary award that is intended to compensate a car accident victim for his or her losses. When you visit a car accident attorney in Baltimore to discuss your case, he or she will advise you to keep careful track of all of your expenses that stem from the crash. You should document these expenses so that your injury attorney can prove your losses in court.

    Auto Accidents Cases in Glen Burnie, MD

    Medical Care

    A car accident lawsuit typically requests compensatory damages for the plaintiff’s medical expenses. Severe car crash injuries can result in exorbitant medical bills, which may include the cost of diagnostic testing, hospitalization, specialist consults, surgery, and other medical treatments. Damages can also include the cost of purchasing or renting durable medical equipment, co-pays for medications, and expenses for physical therapy sessions. Plaintiffs should save all medical bills and receipts.

    Property Damage

    Car repairs or the replacement of a totaled vehicle can be added to the amount of compensation sought by a car accident lawsuit. The plaintiff can either be reimbursed for the necessary repairs or paid the equivalent of the fair market value of the lost property.

    Lost Wages

    It is not uncommon for car accident victims to miss time at work because of the accident and their recovery. Plaintiffs should thoroughly document their lost wages in order to request full compensation. Sometimes, a plaintiff might also seek compensation for the loss of future earning capacity. This applies in cases in which the plaintiff is expected to be permanently disabled-either partially or completely.

    Pain and Suffering

    Accident injuries can result in significant physical pain for victims. Some of them may even develop chronic pain because of their injuries. A personal injury lawsuit may seek reasonable compensation for the plaintiff’s pain and suffering, which might be documented by medical records and prescriptions for pain medications.

    Emotional Distress

    In particularly severe accident cases, plaintiffs might have the grounds to seek compensation for their emotional distress. Emotional distress can refer to any psychological injury that resulted from the accident, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), insomnia, depression, or anxiety disorders.

  • Auto Accidents 101: What Is a Claim?

    After being involved in a car accident in Baltimore , your health should be your priority. You can hire an injury lawyer to handle your case, which allows you to focus on your recovery. After reviewing your case, your injury lawyer will file a claim with the insurance carrier. This is not the same as a car accident lawsuit, although it may sometimes become necessary to file a lawsuit later. A claim is filed with the other driver’s auto insurance company. This begins the process of obtaining a settlement, which is money that compensates you for your medical bills, property damage, and other accident-related expenses.

    Your injury lawyer will calculate your total monetary losses and may include this figure in the claim. The insurance carrier may then respond with a counteroffer. Your injury lawyer will continue to negotiate with the company until both parties agree to a settlement. If a fair settlement is not forthcoming or you do not agree with the amount the insurance company offers you, then you might consider filing a lawsuit.

    Auto Accident Claims in Baltimore, MD

  • Reducing the Risk of Lifting Injuries at Work

    Lifting injuries are some of the most common types of injuries acquired in the workplace . If you’ve already sustained a workplace injury, you can contact a workers’ compensation lawyer in Baltimore for help obtaining workers’ comp benefits or filing a workers’ comp lawsuit. In the meantime, watch this featured video to learn how to lift heavy objects properly and reduce the likelihood of encountering workers’ comp issues in the future.

    This video features a chiropractor who demonstrates how to stand close to the heavy object, bend at the knees, and keep the back straight before firmly grasping and lifting the object. He stresses the importance of never rotating the trunk while lifting or carrying objects; instead, turn your whole body. Following these simple guidelines can greatly reduce the stress on your lower back and prevent orthopedic injuries.

  • What Is the Right Way to Wear a Seatbelt When Pregnant?

    Any sort of car accident can result in physical injuries and emotional trauma. However, car accidents that occur while a driver or passenger is pregnant can be particularly traumatic. To protect yourself from car accident injuries while driving in Baltimore, always wear a seatbelt properly.

    You can learn the right way to wear a seatbelt when you’re pregnant by watching this video. This healthcare professional explains that the lap belt should only be positioned across your lap and beneath your belly to prevent car accident injuries to the fetus. During the winter months, it may be necessary to remove your bulky winter coat to ensure the proper positioning of the seatbelt.

  • The Role of a Doctor in Workers’ Compensation Cases

    Workers’ compensation claims in Baltimore are notoriously difficult for employees to sort through. After sustaining an injury or illness while on the job, it’s highly recommended that you enlist the help of a workers’ compensation lawyer. Your lawyer can offer legal guidance and answer your questions about your medical benefits and wage compensation. When you go to appointments with your workers’ compensation lawyer , be sure to bring along any new written instructions from your doctor.

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    Documenting Your Injury

    Ideally, injured workers should seek medical care as soon as possible after the injury occurs. One of the primary ways that a doctor can facilitate a workers’ compensation claim is by documenting the injury in the patient’s medical records. Be as specific as possible during your appointment with the doctor. Explain all of the symptoms you have experienced and the level of pain you have. Explain when your symptoms first occurred and whether they have grown worse. You should also give your doctor details about the incident. For example, you may have broken a hand while falling in the office. You might explain that you slipped on a spilled liquid in the office, lost your balance, and fell on your hand.

    Determining the Cause of the Injury

    As your workers’ compensation lawyer can explain, your benefits are contingent upon the determination that your injury or illness did indeed arise from the course of your employment. If the case involves an acute injury, the cause is usually clear-cut. However, some work-related health problems that may have less clear causes include repetitive strain injuries and illnesses. In these cases, it’s particularly important to give your doctor as much information as you can regarding how your work activities caused the health problem. For repetitive strain injuries, you can describe all of the movements you are required to perform that cause your pain. For illnesses, you should share information about any toxic substances you may be exposed to at work.

    Clearing You for Work

    Your doctor will determine when you are medically cleared to return to work. It’s important to keep all follow-up appointments with your doctor. Let your doctor know if your pain or other symptoms have persisted or perhaps worsened. Ask your doctor if you might require any work modifications when you return to your job.

  • Determining If a Workplace Injury Was Caused by an Accident or Negligence

    Workers’ compensation claims are based on a no fault system. This means that workers who sustain injuries in the workplace can file a workers’ compensation claim in Baltimore without having to prove that the accident occurred because of fault or negligence. Usually, the no fault nature of workers’ comp means that employees give up their right to file lawsuits against their employers because of workplace injuries. However, there are exceptions. After sustaining injuries because of your job, you have the right to consult a workers’ compensation lawyer to determine if you might be able to recover greater compensation through a lawsuit. This will depend on whether the incident was accidental or caused by negligence.

    Workplace Injury Due To Accident in Baltimore, MD

    Differentiating Between Accidents and Negligence

    By definition, an accident is an unplanned, unexpected event that causes bodily injuries and did not occur due to someone’s fault. For example, an office worker could be carrying a heavy box of copy paper. He or she might stub a toe, fall to the floor, and break an arm. Assuming that nothing except pure chance caused the stubbed toe, this is an example of an accident. In contrast, an accident caused by negligence might not necessarily be an intentional effort to injure someone, but it does occur due to someone else’s fault. A freshly mopped floor might result in a slip and fall incident. If an employer failed to provide safety equipment like wet floor signs, then this might be an example of negligence. Negligence can be broadly defined as conduct that falls below the standard of care that a person could reasonably expect to maintain.

    Identifying the Types of Workplace Negligence

    When your workers’ comp lawyer evaluates your claim to determine whether it might be appropriate to file a lawsuit, he or she will look for acts or behaviors that fall below the widely accepted standard of care. Negligent acts can include any types of violations of OSHA standards. An employer might be negligent in failing to properly train employees in safety procedures or the use of safety equipment. Sometimes, an employer might even be found to be negligent in hiring or employee retention procedures if an improperly screened hire harms others in the workplace.

  • How Do Air Bags Work?

    If you become involved in a car accident in Baltimore, the presence of air bags in your car can help save your life and prevent serious injuries . Today, some late model vehicles prevent car accident injuries by housing air bags not only in front of the driver, but also behind the glovebox door, roof, front center area, and side of the car. These air bags of varying sizes serve to cushion the impact of a crash.

    When you watch this video, you’ll hear a little about the evolution of air bags and exactly how they work to prevent car accident injuries. This expert explains that air bags rely on solid fuel, which is ignited when the car’s crash sensors detect a sudden deceleration. The ignition of the fuel triggers gases to inflate the air bags in about 35 milliseconds. Unfortunately, as smart as air bags are these days, they can’t prevent all injuries from a crash. An injury attorney can help you deal with the aftermath of an accident.